Our readers never cease to amaze me. Our recent posts about domestic discipline have evoked some remarkable responses. Not one suggested that Mrs. Lion beat the crap out of me. Instead, our readers expressed concern that we not take spanking blogs literally and that it seemed cruel to cause me so much pain for simply spilling some spaghetti sauce on my shirt.

We both appreciate your concern. We’ve been cautioned to not take advice from various blogs too literally. Domestic discipline blogs that feature disciplined males and are written by their disciplining wives can, at times, appear to be advocating real cruelty. Certainly I would suffer greatly if Mrs. Lion beat me with a paddle or strap 300 whomps. My bottom would be a mess. I would hate that level of punishment.

However, a lot of men and women crave that level of beating. I suppose they are died-in-the-wool masochists. But I know there is much more to the story. Based on my long experience in the BDSM world, I can give you a bit of insight into a spanking session, both from the perspective of the spanker and, of course, as the “spankee”.

The worst part of any spanking is the beginning. Nerve endings are most sensitive and each swat feels unbearable. After a while, the time varies with individuals, a sort of “numbness” sets in. This is actually an endorphin reaction to the physical assault on the body. Bottoms treasure this endorphin high.

In the context of discipline, a 300 swat spanking is probably 100 painful hits and 200 that are no problem to accept. I’ve experienced this in a D/S scene. I barely moved for the last part of the spanking.

You could ask why bother with those later swats? One school of thought claims that the long duration of the punishment is very meaningful to both spanker and disciplined male. There’s little doubt that I would clearly understand that a spanking that went on that long signified that I did something very bad. It sends a message.

Those later spanks can be administered hard and fast without having to deal with too much squirming. That allows the spanker to more accurately place the blows and for the spankee to register severity in terms other than raw pain.

I suggest that disciplinary spankings rarely get this severe. However, I know that “play” spankings are often much worse. Sensation lovers will want endless beatings. They are hooked on those brain chemicals that are produced.

Believe it or not, it is generally perfectly safe. Most S/M toys are designed to provide sensation without serious injury. These are the very same implements my dear lioness uses on me. I may hurt, but I won’t be injured beyond some redness and fast-healing bruises.

There is more to a spanking than providing strong pain. There’s also the humiliation of submitting to something that is generally reserved for naughty children. If the spanker accompanies her blows with scolding, the humiliation is increased.

Is that a cruel spanking? The recipient will feel it for days. His butt will be tender for quite a while. But he agreed to get it. I understand the consequences of agreeing to let Mrs. Lion punish me. Cruelty is in the eyes of the recipient. If I don’t feel that Mrs. Lion is being cruel, no matter how it appears to an outsider, she isn’t being cruel to me.

Of course, the problem is that someone reading our posts will judge what we do in the context of his or her life. But remember, I’m the one who suffers all this beating. I admit it hurts horribly. But I don’t believe it is cruel. I am an aware, educated, intelligent grown man. I have full control of my faculties. If I don’t feel that I am being treated cruelly, then I’m not. You may consider me crazy for allowing all this. So be it. But what you read here, and I expect on other blogs as well, represents adults consenting to activities they want to include in their lives.

Maybe I’m being cruel for letting you know what we are doing.