This morning we set sail for Seattle. It’s been raining a lot so we’ll need an ark soon. We were in search of an Apple watch for Lion. It’s an early, early Christmas present from me. Mine arrived yesterday and I decided to see if we could get Lion one without waiting for weeks. While we were there, we stopped at a grocery store and Lion saw some cheese from a New York store he loves. We had some samples and asked for a sample of a different cheese. The salesman asked if we wanted it on crackers. I said no. I wanted to taste the cheese itself, not the cracker. He said I was the boss and handed us the samples. Lion agreed that I am indeed the boss. Under his breath Lion said the guy had no idea how right he was.

Ordinarily I would defer to Lion in this situation. He’s the foodie. It’s his favorite cheese store. What do I know about good cheese? But it seemed like a no-brainer. If I’m tasting cheese, I just want the cheese. And I guess I did sort of take charge in that moment. Yay for me.

I guess I also took charge when I decided we should drive to Seattle rather than wait two weeks for Lion to get his watch. I just got mine. Why shouldn’t he have his too? He’s the one going on a trip in a few days. He’ll need a watch that can do more than tell time. I mean, are we in the 21st century or what? What kind of watch just tells time anymore? When I went to order the watch, there was a spot for pick-up. I found a store in Seattle that had it and decided we were taking a trip. He only argued a little about my spending that much money on him. I guess once I was in there ordering it anyway, he figured he couldn’t really stop me.

So Lion is the proud owner of an Apple watch and probably more cheese than we’ll eat. But he’s happy. And I did a few muscle flexes for FLR. And I have my new watch too. I’d say that was a good Saturday all ways around.