By midnight tonight Lion and I should be snug in our bed together for the first time in almost a week. Things didn’t go too differently from the way they normally go around here. I watched TV most nights. Caught up on shows that Lion doesn’t really like. It was just lonely. That all changes in roughly twelve hours from the time I’m writing this. I can’t wait.

Lion did very well with his assignments. He didn’t quite hit the twenty points required but he bombarded me with all sorts of other pictures so I gave him extra points. What can I say? I’m a pushover. Besides, it was the first time we’ve played our little game. I knew it would probably need to be tweaked a bit. Next time I’ll make a different list for him. I’ve learned not to be as specific with the personalities he might see. No selfies – although there are ways around that. Lion is very creative. I bet I can just ask for abstract things and he’ll find something that works. It may have been a silly little game, but it helped me flex my muscles while he was away.

It occurs to me that my biggest step so far, asking him to do womanscaping, happened while he was away. Was it just a random thing or was it because the day to day Lion responsibilities were interrupted? They say you do some of your best thinking when you’re in the shower and it was stepping out of the shower that I decided he should have that task. I regularly have ideas, or I’ll remember something, when I’m in the shower. Those don’t depend on Lion being gone. I am wondering if it was the separation that gave me wings, so to speak. Not that Lion suppresses anything. Maybe I’m just babbling.

My ex used to travel a lot. In the beginning I wasn’t sure if I could handle being on my own with two small kids. I cried when he left. As he went away more and more often, I cried less. Eventually I figured out that I could handle being alone with the kids. Over time, mostly because he had turned into such an ass, the kids and I looked forward to his being gone. I am certainly not saying that I’ll ever look forward to Lion being gone. I guess I’m just saying that when I’m alone I have more time to contemplate things. Aside from counting the days until he returns, that is. Which is tonight. In about twelve hours. Yay!