Yesterday I reviewed a new (to me), inexpensive chastity device. When Mrs. Lion came home from work, she unlocked me and put me into the device I had reviewed. I was very surprised that this cage was completely comfortable. Of course I put that into my review. The thing is that when I asked Mrs. Lion to lock me up the first time, I had a very different device that was wearable, but far from comfortable. Obviously, I was able to keep it on for the over-three-months it took to order and take delivery of the Jail Bird I wear now.

I’m not sure I would have kept going if it weren’t for this blog. Writing here every day has proven to be a powerful incentive to stay the course of enforced chastity. There have been a lot of opportunities to give up, at least in those early days. It took months before I became aware of the profound changes that enforced chastity wrought.

It seems crazy to claim that by wearing a device locked around my cock and balls, the very fabric of our relationship would change. When I asked Mrs. Lion to lock me up, I had no idea of the effect this request would have. Truthfully, I was very surprised at how consistently Mrs. Lion functioned as my keyholder. Without a doubt, her initial behavior was a very conscious effort to make me happy by doing what I asked. To a large extent that remains a major motive for what she does now. But she and I have a much more important reason to carry on: The cage and the power exchange it represents has improved our communication and brought us much closer physically and emotionally.

As she’s become stricter I’ve learned to be very careful to obey her rules and behave the way she expects. This surprises me. She enforces her wishes with a paddle. Old fashioned spanking is her only punishment. I have always found spanking sexually arousing. I still do, but  not punishment spankings. They hurt and when strongly applied, make me sincerely sorry for my breach. There’s a paradox! As she’s become more serious as a disciplinarian, I’ve learned to take her rules and wishes very seriously; even the seemingly trivial ones like not eating first or spilling food or drink on my clothes. I consciously try very hard not to incur her wrath. When we started all this, I would cheerfully break a rule and take the spanking. No more!

This is a very stressful time for me. In a lot of ways it would be much easier for me to abandon our power exchange. But the simple fact is that even if I wanted out, my lioness wouldn’t allow it. I don’t want it. I believe that if we stopped FLR and enforced chastity, we would sink back into those dark times of isolation and poor communications. Mrs. Lion isn’t as sure. But she’s made it clear that she is staying the course and that I can expect a stricter lioness. Will 2.0 completely replace the much-more-forgiving 1.0? I suspect she will.