I think things are getting back to normal. I’m still tired and battling the remnants of the Black Death that knocked us both for a loop, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel. It’s been weeks since I did any manscaping and Lion is a furry mess. He likes to be bare so I’ve got my work cut out for me. We’ve also, just within the past few days, gotten back into playing.

Last night was a trifecta for Lion. I gave him some maintenance swats. I shoved the Njoy butt plug in him. And I edged him into a sniveling puddle. I think he was at the point where a stiff breeze would have sent him over the edge. He wants to come so badly, but at the same time, he wants to wait. It’s a fine line to walk. At some point he will start to lose interest. How far can I push him? Not only each night, but how many days?

I guess we’ll find out. This weekend we’ll play more. I don’t have any specific plans, but I have been thinking about the fucking machine a bit. He’ll probably need more anal practice before we use it, but it’s a goal we’ve had for a while. Maybe I’ll just stick to anal play without the machine until I’m sure he’s ready. I don’t want to hurt him. At least not any more than he wants to be hurt.

At this point, Lion has at least five more days to wait for an orgasm. Will 2.0 take pity on him? I don’t know. Last night she was happy watching him work so hard to go nowhere. I’m not even sure she’d be taking pity on him if she gave him an orgasm. She may just decide it’s time regardless of his feelings or needs. She may even know that he wants to wait and give him one anyway. She doesn’t care what he wants. Deep down she knows what he wants. He wants her to do what she wants. She can do that.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    “He wants her to do what she wants. She can do that.”

    What a terrific line! Perfect.

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