With all the talk about Lion’s scheduled orgasm date turning into an “at the very earliest” date, he assumed his date was today. Actually I had decided to give him one on the 5th. Unfortunately, we were both so far from even thinking about sex on the 5th, we missed it. Last night we were just looking to snuggle, but I decided I felt well enough to unlock him. He was surprised. He was even more surprised when I edged him a few times and then gave him his missed orgasm. I figured a return to normalcy required a starting point and last night was it.

Lion’s new date is the 23rd. What torture 2.0 has in store for him between now and then is anyone’s guess. He’s certainly in no position to argue after having over a week “rest”. Not that he’s ever in a position to argue, but occasionally he does try. I think I can say for a fact that 2.0 won’t be charging into anything anytime soon. We’ll stick to small scale playing until we’ve both recovered. Of course, I thought I could have said for a fact that Lion wouldn’t have had his orgasm last night. When 2.0 wants something, she tends to go after it. Last night she wanted to clean out Lion’s pipes after his hiatus. Mission accomplished.

This weekend we have to walk the fine line between getting chores caught up and doing too much. I think if we pace ourselves we’ll be okay. It’s good to be back in the land of the living even if we are still recovering. Last night was a very good sign.