Lion was probably expecting to play last night. He said he was horny. I knew that. But that doesn’t mean he’ll be unlocked. Instead, I prepared some ginger and gave him a hot butt plug. I think it was very effective. He felt it for a while afterwards.

Now for the big question: did that count as play? If I don’t unlock him and actually play with him (edge him), does it count? If I give him a nice play spanking, but he’s not unlocked and not aroused, does it count? If I tie him down and put menthol on his balls, but I don’t unlock him and temper the pain with some strokes, does it count? I say it does. In the past I’ve made him hold a butt plug for a few hours without doing anything else for him. I figure it lets him know I haven’t forgotten about him. He stills feels my power in the form of a heavy steel blob of metal shoved into his ass. For that matter, I could tie him down and not do another thing to him and it would count. Why? Because I said so.

2.0 may be doing what Lion says he wants, but she isn’t really concerned with what he wants at the time. He’s horny? Good. He wants to be played with? Let me see if I can fit it into my schedule. He doesn’t want to wear panties? OK. Diapers work for me. He’s not in the mood for Velcro? Too bad. I am. It may be all about Lion, but 2.0 has a lot to say about it too.

Lion just emailed me that he’s very horny and distracted. I can make that worse. I can do that tonight. Will he like it? Maybe not at the time, but he will have fun. And, of course, he won’t get to come. But other than that he’ll enjoy himself. Quite a few times. Up to the point that I stop stroking him. Poor thing. And then he’ll be locked away again. Still horny.

Just think, he only has three more days to go till his scheduled orgasm date. Too bad that doesn’t mean much anymore.


  1. Author

    Anything you do to play with Lion is just that. My wife has played with me while I’m still caged and the excitement and bulging member indicates it is effective–though I am prevented from a full erection. So I believe you can be played with without coming out of the cage. Besides, 2.0 needs to have fun too! More than that, 2.0 should be the main one having fun!

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