Lion had an orgasm last night. It wasn’t his scheduled night. That isn’t until Monday. I was going to make him wait. And then I didn’t. I have no reason why. I just wanted to give him a treat. He’s been doing so much around here and I appreciate it. So I took him to lunch yesterday and gave him an orgasm last night.

I also painted his toes last night. He hates them. I didn’t do a very good job. But that’s not why he hates them. He doesn’t know why he has to have girly toes. Actually he does know; it makes me smile. He just doesn’t like the idea at all. Not even a little bit. Poor thing. Lion toes should not be painted, is what he told me. I say they should be painted when the Lioness says they should be painted. And that ended the grumbling session. How long will they have to be sparkly purple? At least till Sunday. It depends on how many times he asks me. The time will increase as my annoyance in him asking increases. Seems fair to me.

I also gave him a huge break from the diaper yesterday. The deal was that he didn’t have to wear it while we were out of the house. So he asked if we could go someplace after we were done with the errands we had to run. To be fair, he didn’t do it just to increase the time out of the diaper. He really wanted to check something out. In hindsight I realized he got out of about four hours of diaper-wearing. Not a big deal. I’d already decided that he’ll be spending more time in a diaper. It’s not like he really got away with anything whether he tried to or not. Seems fair to me.

I haven’t decided if Lion will get his scheduled orgasm on Monday. He’s had quite a few bonuses in the past few weeks. Does he really need another one Monday? (He votes yes.) Maybe I should make him wait a little longer this time. I know he can do it. He knows he can do it. I’m still not clear on why I should make him. Neither of us likes the idea of going for a record. He isn’t any more or less attentive if I make him wait. He isn’t any more or less appreciative of an orgasm if I make him wait. He loves them all. He’s very happy when he gets one. So I will continue on with my list of scheduled orgasms and adjust as I see fit. Seems fair to me.