Last night Lion asked me to look at a blog that he follows. I always try to read things he recommends to me if I have the time. Unfortunately last night, while I had the time, I didn’t have the brain power. Between the seemingly endless rambling of the blogger and the tv blaring I didn’t get anything out of it. In hindsight I realize it was because I’m stressed out again. Work is being, well, work again and between the two jobs I have a lot on my mind. I need some decompression time. Some “me” time.

Exactly what that me time entails, I’m not sure. I do decompress somewhat at night while messing around on my iPad. Lion will probably suggest sex as a means to relax. Nice try, my pet. I’m wondering if setting orgasm dates for me is actually increasing my stress. We may have to tweak things a little bit. I’ll need to think fast because tonight is one of those scheduled orgasms for me. I’m hesitant to cancel it because that defeats the purpose, but I’m not looking forward to it as much as Lion is. And no, it doesn’t have anything to do with you, Lion. This is clearly all me.

And who knows? Maybe sex is the answer. Or part of the answer. I just need to figure out why that scheduled date is not working. Maybe it’s how we go about it. Maybe it needs more fanfare. You know, rather than just going from watching tv to rolling over and fingering me, I need a bit more. The whole “don’t I even get flowers?” idea. Not that I’m asking for flowers. I have no idea if that’s the answer. Just thinking out loud, or whatever the electronic equivalent of that saying would be.

Whether I come up with a way to tweak things or not, I will be ready for my orgasm tonight. It’s important to both of us that we get my libido back.