The Lion Tracker is supposed to help keep track of punishments, play sessions, and rewards I give Lion. But, once again, I’ve become inconsistent. Because of this we can get confused about our every other day play schedule. Lion thinks I missed a day. Fortunately, it has only been a few days since his last orgasm, so I know I didn’t.

Lion’s orgasm was on the 17th, Monday. That means, if nothing else, I should play with him on Wednesday and Friday. I did. Plus I think I also played with him Tuesday. Bonus! I’ll need to be more consistent with the Lion Tracker to avoid disputes.

Last night’s ruined orgasm was not intentional. I was only trying to edge him. I was listening for the sounds he makes as he reaches the edge and either missed it or didn’t react fast enough. Ironically, after I edged him once, I was thinking that part of the fun of edging is that he has no idea if I will just edge him or if it will be a bonus orgasm. I don’t think I’d ever do a ruined orgasm on purpose. He was a little upset that it happened, although I guess he thought it was his fault. I’m not sure how he could have stopped himself. We haven’t done any training with it.

I think today may be a butt plug day. I still haven’t gotten the large Njoy plug in him. It won’t happen today, but any plug will help get him ready. That means tomorrow is spanking bench day. We’ll make sure we post a picture of it so you can see how easy it is to build your own.


  1. Author

    I just wanted to leave a quick note on how much I enjoy reading both of your posts. As a newbie to being a dominant, I find reading Mrs. Lion’s posts to be exceptionally helpful. Thanks so much for giving us a glimpse into your world!

  2. Author

    Thanks for all of the very entertaining, educational and forthright posts and info.
    If you could post a picture of your bench that would be great as I am curious about building one .
    As far as losing track of when Lion was last played with I relate – it is easy to understand how one can lose track – don’t ever feel bad Kion is a lucky man ! So is Lion – lol! Oooops typo’s .

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