Sometimes I can laugh at Lion. Other times I take him too seriously. Saturday night he used his coupon for a bonus orgasm and then wrote about the trap I set for him. Well, that bothered me. It wasn’t a trap. I thought he could use it as sort of a crutch to help him through his horniest moments. Maybe he’d think of it as a safety net. I wanted him to use it. I just didn’t think he’d use it so soon. That was the purpose of my post yesterday. Not to rub his nose in the fact that he used it. I knew he didn’t like the idea of a bonus orgasm. I set the expiration date for the end of the year because I thought he’d change his mind and want to use it. Would I do that if I didn’t want him to use it?
Last night he said he didn’t really think I was trying to trap him. But he still doesn’t like the idea of a bonus orgasm as a reward. He thinks he’s topping if he uses one. I don’t get it. He also thinks he should be made to use the coupons he already has within a certain amount of time. Who issued the coupons? Is there an expiration date on them? So he’s topping if he uses a coupon I gave him to use, but not topping if he decides the rules for the coupons after they are issued? I don’t get it.
It’s very difficult for me to make decisions. I went back and forth in my mind between a bonus orgasm and a day off his wait time. Ultimately I gave him the bonus orgasm because of the reasons listed above. He already has a coupon for a day off his wait time. He has a coupon for an orgasm too, but it has the added rule of resetting his wait time. I knew he wouldn’t use that when faced with a twenty-one day wait. But a truly “free” orgasm with no strings attached, to me, is an amazing reward. For him to ask for a trade and then allow me only a few hours to consider it, given my usual inability to make a decision, seems like more topping. And no that doesn’t mean I didn’t want him to use the coupon or even ask for the trade. It means what may seem like an easy decision for Lion, will take me more time to consider.
When he said he thought ten days was the optimum wait time for him, I didn’t mean from now on his wait times will be ten days. I will use ten days as a guide and then add or subtract depending on my mood. I may double it. I may triple it. I may set it at one day. Now I know that at day ten he will be going out of his mind and I can play with that.
Despite using his bonus orgasm coupon, Lion was just as horny as ever last night. I don’t get that either. I would think giving him an orgasm would have bought me some time, so to speak. He should have been docile last night. Resting on the laurels of the incredible blow job I gave him. Sucked dry. Finito. Nope. Not him. I guess I really shouldn’t expect anything less.
If you read our posts, you already know we come at the same issue from different points of view. I think we need to start working on closing that gap. Or at least understanding what the other might be thinking.