Jail Bird chastity cage.
Jail Bird chastity cage. This isn’t the cage I am wearing. To see my penis in my cage click here.

After six long weeks, my Mature Metal Jail Bird cage has arrived. This is a custom made cage (see measuring instructions here). The fit is perfect! It is so comfortable that I am not aware it is locked on my penis.

If you are serious about forced chastity, while expensive, a custom cage is a necessity. No matter how good, the off-the-shelf cages won’t be comfortable enough for long term wear. The most problematic are the plastic cages. While inexpensive, the wide base ring (around the cock and balls) has a lot of friction with the skin. This friction makes movement painful and forces many users to constantly lubricate the area under the ring. The stainless steel ring on the Jail Bird lets my skin move under it without compromising security. Even though the inexpensive Chinese cage was comfortable, I did get some pinching and discomfort. Mrs. Lion found some red marks it caused.

If you get one of these custom cages and there are fit issues, Mature Metal will adjust it for a nominal fee to cover shipping.  If you measure carefully you can get it right on the first try. The most important measurement is the cock and ball ring. Mature Metal sells an inexpensive set of “fitting” rings. Even if you are wearing a plastic cage, you should get these rings. Don’t just try them on, wear the one you think fits best 24/7 for at least a week. You really need to wear it that long to learn if you have the right fit. To start, find one you can get your balls through and then squeeze your penis through next. If you can get one finger up to the first knuckle under the ring, it may be the right fit. Wear it for a week. Most people try to get the smallest possible ring. That is a mistake. You want the smallest ring you can comfortably spend a week wearing. It’s worth taking the time to get this right.

Next in importance is the cage length. As it says in our instructions, measure more than once. Find the shortest you are (measuring from under your cock). Then, subtract 1/4 inch from that and this is what you should order. Cage diameter is easy to get. Make sure you are completely soft an lay your penis on a ruler. You can see your correct size. You want the diameter slightly narrower than your measurement so that the cage hugs you comfortably.

Now that my penis is in its permanent home, it feels pretty good. The Chinese cage had some room for growth if i got excited. This one doesn’t. An attempted erection doesn’t hurt, but it also just makes me a bit chubbier in my cage. If you have questions, please leave a comment and you may get the answer you need.