One of my goals is to publish reliable, accurate information to help people enjoy the forced chastity lifestyle. I don’t pretend to be a ranking expert in the field. I have only been locked up full time for three weeks. But I have over fifteen years experience with this subject having tested dozens of devices, talked to many people who practice the various flavors of this kink, and read all I can find on the subject. So, in addition to reading about my life as a caged lion, I hope you can use some of the other information here to help you explore and adopt forced male chastity.

We have several new articles. The first and most difficult for me is How To Cage Your Man. This is a no-nonsense, practical guide for keyholders and women considering becoming keyholders. It represents what I hope is a good starting point for keyholders. It isn’t meant to be read by us caged critters. It is designed to help our keepers understand what we want and how to provide it. Ladies, please leave your comments and questions. We will certainly work hard to respond.

The next new section, So You Want To Be Locked Up offers a guide to living in forced chastity. It talks about all the important basics that will help you experience the captivity you desire. There is a section on Health, Safefy, Security and Comfort, as well as one that helps you Get A Good Fit. Of course, keyholders are encouraged to read this too.

Your feedback and questions are very welcome. Just click on the top right corner to register as a member in order to leave replies and comments.

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