In my last post, “Do I Really Look Like “Dear Abby?”, I said that I don’t answer specific  questions about male chastity devices and FLR. I didn’t say that the answers to almost all of them are right here. Here is a recent email from someone who says she is a woman with a boyfriend who wants male chastity.

“I have recently been asked to be a KH of a man who lives 3 hours away. This is all new to me and I am trying to learn as much as possible. He has been doing male chastity on his own for awhile and has said we will take it slow. But I am not sure how to do this long distance? If we were together or lived near each other I would know what to do.

Can you please give me any advice on how to proceed? I have started teasing him about wearing his key (I bought a symbolic key) when I have sex. Or sending him a picture of this key around my neck. I told him I will only wear it when he is caged. That all seems to excite him. Any other ideas? There is not much I have found about this. Or I just have not stumbled across it yet.

Thanks so much! Your journal has been helpful. And fun!!

Gee, we never talk about that here, do we? There is an entire section on the top menu addressing this question. Did this reader actually look at this website? Did h/she take the time to read the section, “How to cage your man?” Of course not. How much time would you put in to send a personal note to Jodi?

OK, how about this one?

I must have forgotten to address that subject too. Both of us have written hundreds of posts on this subject.

Sometimes the questions go a bit off-topic.



That’s not a bad question. It was a little surprising. Well, we have Hulu, Paramount+, Peacock, Discovery+, Disney+, ESPN, Max, Met Opera (a gift from Mrs. Lion). It’s a fair question. We subscribe to the Hulu live service so we get network shows and NY Giants games. I like to answer reasonable questions here in the blog.

I also get some mail that makes me feel very good. It’s letters like this that help me believe that blogging is worthwhile.

“Thank you for your detailed explanations with ED. I just had a radical prostatectomy a few weeks ago and now have ED. Sharing your research, experiences and results will help others like me.


That email made me feel very good. It also let me know that I’m not alone. I value that he took the time to let me know that my words actually reached him. Thank you!

I’m not sure how our readers think of us. I’m pretty sure that about half don’t think of us at all. These are the people who come from search engines looking for answers to specific questions. They are also the ones who I think are most likely to send questions demanding answers. I like to believe that the other half of our readers have become friends who enjoy following our lives. This group doesn’t write very often.

I suppose that makes sense. The pattern on the Web is read-and-leave. That’s it. We are a sort of newsletter that some people enjoy. That’s fine, of course. I never expected tons of responses. What we write isn’t the sort of stuff that draws many comments. I love the ones we get. It occurred to me that  Mrs. Lion and I aren’t quite real to our readers. We are like characters on TV. We exist within the limited confines of our blog.

When I miss a day or two of posting, readers either don’t notice or don’t care. There are other things to read. Of course, that’s fine. I don’t mind. Well, maybe I mind a little. Living in the Male Chastity Journal universe is a little lonely sometimes. If it weren’t for our reader statistic software, I might even think I was just talking to myself (and Mrs. Lion). The stats are good, and I’m glad.

I’m also grateful. It feels good to know that we may be helping some people have more fun in bed (and elsewhere). Keep those emails coming.

out for the count yesterday

I spent most of Monday in the bathroom. I won’t gross you out with the details, but let’s just say I hadn’t visited it in a week, and then on Monday, there was a lot of pain and difficulty. Anyway, by dinnertime the matter was finally resolved, and the pain was mostly gone. I didn’t get into my office at all. I didn’t even look at my email. I suppose that I should expect problems like this when we are dieting and Mrs. Lion doesn’t make many high-fiber stuff like salads. Those Lean Cuisine meals aren’t the best for tummy health.

Listen to this post.


  1. This is David. I’m very sorry to have intruded on your time. My wife and I were just trying to make friends in this lifestyle. Nevermind, we will figure it out on our own.

    1. Author

      Your message didn’t suggest that you wanted to make friends. You just insisted that I answer your questions. Odd way to build a friendship. Usually, people who want to get to know us, ask about us. They don’t demand that I provide information about them.

  2. Well, I have sent 2 emails some days ago, I think to response the emails, you made the lost “Do I really look like dear abby?” But, I didn’t ask the already answer2d question like the quotes-David and jodi, rather asked some specific questions for clarification. I searched on Google but haven’t found, yet, found some very unpleasant answers.
    One of my questions is, do a caged male ever get sex according to their desire like intercourse, fetish? Which could be given by the wife/KH willingly out of love?

    And, what about the emotional bonding and mental connection between husband wife[husband in chastity cage] goes when the wife ignores his sex urge for a long time…like the wife gives release after very long time then gives simple handnob and then against lock for a long time?

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