My weekend wardrobe. Mrs. Lion has me in a diaper from Friday after work until Monday morning each week.
My weekend wardrobe. Mrs. Lion has me in a diaper from Friday after work until Monday morning each week.

There is a big difference between my fantasies about being locked up and the reality. For one thing, Mrs. Lion doesn’t share my enthusiasm for male chastity. She is definitely supervising me, but she is doing it for me, not her. I wondered if, in fact, I was really in control with her just holding the key and opening it up anytime I want. I am pretty sure that as of now she would unlock me if I want. I don’t want that. She did have a surprise for me. When I asked her about being locked up two weeks ago, she agreed and then also told me that she wanted me to wear a diaper from after work Friday until I had to leave for work on Monday morning. We bought a package of briefs, 18 of them, and I was in diapers. I wondered if she would want to continue this after the first weekend.

The next Friday morning I asked her if she still wanted me to wear a diaper. She said, “Of course.” On Saturday we headed out to shop. We were on the way to the warehouse store. She asked if I had shopped for more diapers. I told her I hadn’t. She said we would do that at the club. We came home with a pack of 72. I said, “I guess you want to keep me in diapers every weekend from now on.” She nodded. Of course, for the last decade she has requested that I am naked when home, so the diaper is a new extension.

This past Friday we had a show to go to and another on Sunday. She told me that I would wear the diaper starting after work on Tuesday until Wednesday morning and then again from Wednesday night to Thursday morning. She said I could go diaper free Friday night and Sunday night. At that point I realized that she had crossed a line. She was serious about my obedience to her rules.

I’ve been locked up continuously since we started. The first week, she released me on Wednesday night for inspection and a nice hand release. She noticed that I was pretty irritated. It was starting to hurt every time I moved. I understand that this is fairly common in the beginning. She let me go “wild” until the next night when I asked to be locked again. Since then, I have been continuously caged. Last night (Sunday) I mentioned that I was a bit sore and asked her to check. This time she didn’t unlock me. She just inspected through the cage. I asked if she wanted to take it off. She said, “Do you want me to?”

I thought for a bit and said, “No, I guess not.”

At this point I don’t know if she would say no if I asked to be uncaged. I hope she will. It is important to me that she stay in control. Certainly I feel the control about the diapers. That’s good. I don’t think she is ready to consider punishment as part of our arrangement. We are not in a Wife Led Relationship. I’m not sure we will ever go to that. My hope is that she will be in charge sexually. If she wants me to handle our day-to-day affairs and make the decisions about where we go, etc. that is fine with me.

The Mature Metal Bird Cage can’t arrive soon enough! This imported cage is effective. There is even a metal plate right at the spot where if I rubbed I could get off. It isn’t a good fit and when I get a nocturnal erection, pressure is painful against that plate. My desire for release is weaker. I mentioned that to Mrs. Lion and I suggested that regular teasing would keep me wanting. It might also make me grumpy. She needs to consider discipline to help me get over that.