We finally did the boner shot last night. I say “finally” because it’s been a while and Lion was more than ready. Unfortunately, he wasn’t really ready. He was hard. He seemed like he was getting closer. I swear he bucked into me. But he didn’t come even after my left arm had gone numb and my right shoulder hurt. I’d also worked up quite a sweat. He said he didn’t think he’d be able to come. He was still horny, but he worried about me. We agreed to try again today/night.

This time, I’m bringing out the clothespins or rope or restraints. I have to get him even more ready. I don’t really have to, but clearly, he wasn’t really ready last night. If he’s really ready, maybe he’ll get super hard. When this happens, he looks like he might burst from a gentle breeze. It doesn’t happen often. If memory serves, it happened the first time he used Trimix. I guess all those weeks of not having an orgasm and the prospect of having one made him more than ready. A few orgasms ago, he told me he didn’t need any BDSM, so we went right for the gold. I didn’t take that to mean he’d never need BDSM again, but we haven’t done any lately. I’m hoping it helps.

He also wanted to be waxed this weekend. I told him I would do it. It’s almost 4 pm on Sunday. I’m not doing it today. I know it doesn’t take long anymore. I just don’t like doing it. The pantry is still a wreck, so I have to drag the cart into the bedroom. Then I have to squeeze the other massage table into an area that isn’t really big enough for it. There is no area big enough for it. I guess we’ll have to find a house that has room for an impromptu waxing studio. If the living room is big enough, it shouldn’t be an issue. I’d even be okay with backing the car out of the garage to set up the table. Of course, I still won’t like waxing him, but I won’t have to wrestle with the massage table.

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