Somewhere in the thirty days between Lion orgasms “cured” by boner juice, Lion stopped keeping track of his wait time on the whiteboard in the bedroom. I think he got discouraged. I can’t blame him. It’s difficult to concede that your body isn’t doing what you want it to do. I thought about asking him to keep track again, but I’d rather not have it as a constant reminder of not having an orgasm. When he kept track, it was for fun. “Look how long that bitch is making me wait!” (He never said that.) It was true orgasm denial. Now it’s his body making him wait.

He did the boner juice injection last night. Usually, he sits in his office until something starts happening. He noticed that it seems to get harder once he stands up. With that in mind, he did the injection and then took a shower. Theoretically, standing in the shower should have helped. Not so much. He was hard, just not as hard as the previous time. I got him harder with oral. I don’t see a problem with that. I think he’ll get harder once we figure out the dosage, and we can play. Some ball bondage usually turns him on. He’s going to try a higher dosage next time. It really is trial and error at this point.

On the plus side, after I was done attempting to get his motor running with a blow job, I noticed how slim his stomach looked while he was stretched out next to me. His ribs were sticking up. He’s been asking if I’ve noticed him slimming down. Sometimes I can tell. Other times, I think the change has been gradual, and I don’t notice. Someone who hasn’t seen him in a while might see more of a difference. I think I’m the same way. It’s been gradual, and I see the difference in the scale, but not really in my body.

We’ve both lost a lot of weight. It’s nice to see something come of the tiresome Nutrisystem food. Lion’s been craving Mexican food, so we’re heading to a local restaurant for cheat night dinner. We tend not to eat lunch or snacks on weekends, and that’s true of today. That gained us some calories. It shouldn’t be too much of a cheat. I don’t know what Lion’s having, but I’ve been lusting after Arroz con pollo for months. [Lion — Me too. I want nachos first.]

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