Friday night, Lion wondered if we should watch another episode of whatever rerun we were watching. “We can stay up late,” he said. I figured we could sleep late Saturday, so we watched. I think it was 1 am before we went to sleep. The dog let us sleep late. Late to her. I was an hour past our regular weekday wakeup of 7 am. Ugh.

We did our thing in the morning. I started attacking the laundry pile. We ate lunch. Then I asked Lion if he’d rather be played with on the massage table or have me suck him. He said it was up to me. I didn’t want to set up the massage table. And I love sucking him. The choice was obvious.

He got hard pretty quickly. I decided to tickle his balls and ass crack this time. I’m not sure I’ve ever tickled his ass crack before. I usually just use regular pressure. I wanted to experiment. He seemed to like it. I don’t normally tickle his balls all the way through either. They get regular pressure until I think he’s close. I thought he liked his balls tickled, but he’s written that an old girlfriend did it to hurry him up. I never thought of it as hurrying him. I just thought it helped him along and he liked it. Of course, he can still like it. I just don’t want him to think I’m rushing him.

Anyway, he was hard, and I could tell he was getting closer. I was torn between allowing him to cum and making him wait. I decided, since he was the one who wanted to go to the casino, I’d make him wait. Otherwise, I reasoned, we’d have more time to play, and he might have had his orgasm. Diabolical. Well, it would have been if I’d shared my strategy with him at the time. He was just happy to be sucked. Sometimes he’s easy to please.

I don’t remember what time we left for the casino. We didn’t eat dinner until around 8. Then we found an interesting slot machine. There are a lot of games that follow a certain pattern. If you get three of these symbols, you win a bonus round. There are sometimes other ways to win extra spins or bonuses. This was one of those games. The payouts were paltry for the most part. When the bonuses kicked in, it paid pretty well. I went from 40 cents to well over a hundred in a very short amount of time. Overall, we lost money, but we had some fun.

We got home around 11. By the time we showered the casino perfumy gunk off, had a small snack and got ready for bed, it was 1 am again. This time the dog let us sleep until 8:30. We ate breakfast, watched TV, and Lion went back to sleep while I took care of the laundry pile and other chores around here. We’re not used to all this nightlife.

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