This weekend, apparently, is for catching up on things. I’ve been doing laundry pretty much non-stop since this morning. I get behind on comforters and towels. Lion asked if I could wax him. I don’t remember the last time I did that. It’s long overdue. And, of course, Lion “needs” an orgasm. I put that in quotes because he may want one, but he never really needs one. Ironically, if he hadn’t asked me to wax him, he would have had it today. Now he’ll wait until I’m cleaning him up from waxing him. I wouldn’t want him to miss out on an oily hand job. That just leaves spanking and edging for today.

I know I’ll definitely spank him today. We’ve been out of sorts with sex lately. As much as Lion claims not to have enjoyed my hands running all over him a few weeks ago, I think he really likes that part of waxing. I don’t think he likes getting hair yanked out. He likes when I rub oil on him to loosen up the wax residue. Of course, that’s especially true once I get to his weenie. Last time I waxed him, I purposely ignored his weenie until the very end. I used to give it a coat of wax as a preview. Last time I made him wait. I’m not even sure he realized it. Sometimes I do things, thinking it will have some impact on him and he hasn’t even noticed. Other times, I don’t do something on purpose, and he thinks I did. Oh well. [Lion — I noticed!]

Today’s spanking is a regular punishment day spanking. He hasn’t done anything wrong. Well, nothing that would get him punished. He hasn’t been pushing my buttons at all. Could it be that he doesn’t want to be spanked? No, that can’t be it. He loves the thought of a sore butt. Just the thought, though.

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