Mrs. Lion is away attending her son’s graduation from grad school. She left yesterday morning. It’s just the dog and me. She’s pretty good company most of the time. She just stole the packing slip for an order we received. Shreds of paper are all over the floor. That’s small stuff, of course. Mrs. Lion made sure that I have food that I like. It’s lonely without her near me.

One of the biggest distortions caused by a blog like ours is that you read all the details about our struggles with integrating domestic discipline into our marriage. You read about what we do to compensate for the vast gap between our sex drives. What may be hidden by all of this reporting is that we are more in love today than we were twenty years ago when we met.

Speaking of that, I joke that I got Mrs. Lion on the Internet. It’s true I did. I found her on a dating site. Her smile instantly attracted me to her. I was lucky that she chose to reply to my message introducing myself. We met in person very soon after I sent that message. Our first meeting was sexual. We were both horny and looking for fun. We met at a motel, and within minutes of meeting for the first time, we were having anal sex. What can I say? We were both ready, and meeting in person didn’t disappoint. The attraction was real. Neither of us regrets our first meeting.

I’m not entirely sure why we decided to go the anal route. Maybe Mrs. Lion remembers. We’ve always preferred two positions for sex: lion (doggy) style and cowgirl. Both positions make the vagina and anus equally accessible. That’s not to say that her mouth didn’t entertain my penis. Mrs. Lion loves using her mouth. She loves the taste of semen. She knows I don’t share her enjoyment of that fluid. I’m lucky she craves it, or I would be fed it every time she gets me off. As it is, she doesn’t hog it all. She likes my reaction when she feeds it to me.


I’ve turned down invitations to pick from the Box O’Fun. I’m starting to realize that I’m unlikely to agree when it’s presented. I think that the box might be better considered the same way that Mrs. Lion treats spanking;, not optional.  I think she has a mistaken idea about BDSM activity. She believes that since I want BDSM, I can decide to avoid it. In my mind, BDSM is no different from punishment. I can’t refuse to get spanked. Why should I be able to reject BDSM?

Punishment is a non-voluntary correction for behavior that needs changing. BDSM. in Mrs. Lion’s mind is a form of sexual pleasure. It is something I need. BDSM is, at its core, a power exchange. I don’t get turned on when Mrs. Lion coats my balls with IcyHot. I hate it. Then, why do I want it? It’s exciting to feel Mrs. Lion’s control. It’s hard to avoid feeling it when my balls are burning. There are two components to BDSM play for me. The biggest is feeling her control. I have to endure her uncomfortable attention whenever and however she chooses to administer it. In other words, it doesn’t matter whether or not I’m in the mood.

I made one request. I asked that, when possible, the activities move from the bed. That was a big reason for buying the massage table Changing location/position is a big deal to me. That’s not to say that Mrs. Lion can’t do things on the bed. That’s certainly her prerogative. Also, I wonder if it wouldn’t be better if she picked the card out of the Box O’Fun. After all, she’s in control.

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