I didn’t wax Lion yesterday. I had the wax melting, and we were doing stuff with the garden when I decided I didn’t really feel up to waxing him. Not that it takes all that long. I was feeling dizzy on and off. It didn’t seem like a good idea to bend over and move around any more than I already did with the garden. We sat down to watch our football team lose its season opener. Instead., to our utter amazement, they actually won the game.

The football game didn’t look good in the beginning. Our quarterback was sacked something like six times. Lion kept saying it was a good thing we weren’t playing our football spanking game. His buns would have been on fire. [Lion– I get extra swats if our quarterback is sacked] It wasn’t a high-scoring game, so that would have saved his tushy a little bit. We were resigned to another losing season. However, they gave us hope in the second half. And then they almost blew it again. I swear, this team loves giving me a heart attack in the fourth quarter. I’m not saying they’ll have a winning season overall, but right now, they have one. Given the fact that they haven’t won a season opener in five or six years, forgive us for being hopeful.

After we ate dinner and Lion snoozed a bit, I washed the dishes and snuggled in with him. I was lazily playing with my weenie when Lion paused the TV. Mr. Weenie was getting excited. I told Lion I wanted to suck him. It’s amazing how fast he moves when offered a blow job. I knew he was excited. However, I didn’t know how long he’d be excited. Sometimes he fizzles after a while. Not this time. I had his full attention.

He didn’t give me the recent cues that he was getting close. He has been tightening his thigh next to me. This time I could tell by his breathing. And I stopped moving. He sighed. No more fun for Lion. And then I started again. But then I stopped. Damn. He just wasn’t going to catch a break. I don’t know how close I got him, but I teased him three or four times before I told him he was out of luck. It’s been a long time since I’ve teased him that much.

Poor boy. He loved it.

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