Until recently, I had no idea that too much antihistamine interfered with my interest in sex. I began thinking that there was a relationship when I took an Allegra before dinner and then didn’t get hard when Mrs. Lion fondled my penis. For a while, I figured that I was in a slump or was broken. After a Google search, I confirmed my suspicions. I’ve cut way down on the allergy pills, and my interest in sex has gone way up. It was an easy fix for me. Mrs. Lion hasn’t had a real chance to see if I am better. I hope she confirms my feelings.

For no particular reason, we haven’t done much BDSM in a long time. With the exception of domestic discipline, we’ve been a vanilla couple for quite a while. The leather restraints got one brief use, and I had some clothespins on my balls at the beginning of the summer. I haven’t been strapped down for spanking in months. Maybe this is a new phase in our relationship. We haven’t talked about it. That’s not unusual. We rarely sit down and discuss sexual topics. Our discussions usually end up as posts here.

I’m not sure that’s the best thing for us. It works in a sort of non-interactive way. When Mrs. Lion worked more than ten feet away from me, we exchanged emails. We used them as a tool to make and discuss plans. It feels silly to do that now. I’ve been thinking about all of this. First, play and BDSM are all my wants. Mrs. Lion is uninterested in sex for herself and never had much fun doing BDSM things to me. That strongly suggests that I should give up and be grateful that she is so willing to get me off.

Based on my experience as a top, the only way I kept topping fun for me was to read and talk about the stuff we did. It isn’t much fun for Mrs. Lion to put clothespins on my balls. But if she read about other people’s experiences or even shared her own in a more interactive forum, it might be fun for her. Since she doesn’t, I think I need to let BDSM go. It might be one more thing that gets relegated to my past

Listen to this post.


  1. So sorry to hear that you think it’s the end for BDSM, although I can certainly understand. My wife “treats” me to BDSM activity because I want it and she does it for me. I wish she truly enjoyed being a sadistic domme but that’s just not her.
    However she did give me quite a painful session last week while we were camping. Seems that she gets more wild when we are in the wild. She really seemed to be having fun scratching me with her nails (ALL over my body) and clamping my nipples and nuts. Everytime that I think like you do that it is all over, she surprises me and shows me a great time.

    1. Author

      Mrs. Lion said that she will continue BDSM. I was a top for over 20 years. It wasn’t exactly fun for me. It’s more of a service. That’s how most tops look at it. You don’t want a sadistic top. Trust me. A sadistic top looks for exactly what you don’t want and then does it.

  2. Ha Ha, sounds like what my wife would do. She loves to do things like tickling just to get a reaction from me.

    1. Author

      Mrs. Lion never lets me know why she does things. She just does them.

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