My hand didn’t hurt while I spanked Lion. He thought it would. Apparently, grasping a paddle is not the motion that makes it hurt. Unfortunately, I can’t figure out which motion does before I move it wrong. I have been worried about it hurting while I ride Lion. It’s been so long since I have, I can’t remember where my hands are positioned during lion riding. I may have to give him an orgasm before my hand heals. Poor Lion. I’m sure he wants to wait however long it will be, but I need him to have an orgasm sooner rather than later.

I was prepared to play with him last night after my shower. Dinner had other ideas. I was a little nauseated when I moved around too much. I don’t think Lion would have appreciated getting a blow job if I thought I was going to vomit. I’m sure he’d rather wait until tonight. On the other hand, he did mention my hand feeling good the other night. I don’t know what I did differently. I’ll have to set the massage table up and use my hands tonight. As long as I don’t use lube, I can still partake of any yummy fluid he wants to give me.

Lion said his buns hurt a little bit this morning when he sat in his desk chair, When I saw that his lower cheeks were getting red, I moved my swats to the upper portion. I also made sure to hit along and inside the crack. I wanted a generalized rosy butt. He only bled in two small spots. I assume he didn’t bleed more because I didn’t concentrate on the bottom part of his cheeks. If I had stuck to the bottom, I’m sure he would be having a harder time sitting today. But it just felt right to go for the all over rosiness.

Sometimes, when Lion breaks a rule, he breaks it again or one of the other ones shortly thereafter. I might have a shot at giving him a harder time sitting soon.

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