Lion was too tired for fun last night. He hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, so it was understandable. However, last night he slept well. I hope he’ll be ready tonight. He needs to be teased soon. I have no idea if we’re still on track for my goal of the number of orgasms per month.

Every day since his last spanking, he’s been setting up the coffee pot and closing the shower door. It’s almost like he’s trying to avoid another punishment. I know sooner or later he’ll forget one of his rules and I’ll be dragging the spanking bench out again.

We keep saying we’re going out for our COVID boosters and we haven’t made it yet. Of course, we say a lot of things. Lion wanted his treadmill available for use. It’s been available, aside from being covered by cardboard boxes from time to time, and he hasn’t used it. We know I promise things all the time and I don’t do them. He has an appointment on Friday. We’ll already be out. It doesn’t seem like much of a stretch to continue on to get our boosters then. We’ll see.

For now, I’m going to concentrate on tonight’s adventures in clothespins. I have all sorts of them. Which ones should I use? It all depends on how much pain I want to inflict. I haven’t put any on his boobies lately. He just loves that. Not.

On the other hand, if Lion is up for fun, but not clothespins, I’m sure I can accommodate him. He might just want some more oral sex. As long as he knows it’s not an automatic orgasm, I have no problem sucking him. It’s one of my favorite things to do for him. It’s much more enjoyable for both of us than clothespins.

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