I was concentrating so hard on work yesterday that I didn’t realize until late that I hadn’t written a post. Normally I would have done one even if it was late, but then I got back into work and it was very late before I thought of it again. I was also dealing with stomach issues and a sore toe. Needless to say, I wasn’t thinking about sex or playing with Lion.

My stomach issues and toe pain also affected Lion attention last night. If not for my stomach, I would have teased him. Obviously, it’s difficult to be on my stomach with my weenie in my mouth if I don’t feel well. Lion reported tropical weather, but he understood that it was not to be. Tonight, however, is his night.

Lion pointed out that I stopped sucking him to ask if he was close. He thinks it’s because he’s hit a plateau and I’m wondering whether to continue. It’s not. I’m thinking he’s close and I’m missing the signs. I just want to be sure I’m not too close and in danger of going too far. I don’t think it’s taking too long. He’s been really excited lately. I have no doubt he can make it to the edge. Given the fact that the last ruined orgasm snuck up on both of us, I’m being hyper vigilant.

He also noticed that I call it punishment versus spanking. I thought I used both terms. I know I also say swats. I think I do it to avoid overusing a word. Other than that, it’s not something I think about. It’s strange that we appear to see things differently. But, I guess not considering his theory about why we do.

Listen to this post.