Some weeks ago we took our camper for repair. When it was done we decided it wasn’t worth venturing out to retrieve it. Now the repair center is shutting down until May 1 and Lion is concerned that the camper might be broken into. I’ve paid over the phone and they’ll mail our keys to us so we’re limiting that bit of contact. It’s still a bit scary that Lion is going with me but it takes two people to connect the camper and if we don’t have to bring another person into the mix, we shouldn’t be taking too much of a chance.

The scarier thing is that Lion will be furloughed in a few weeks. His company held out as long as they could, giving all full-timers full pay. A quick check of unemployment, bolstered by the federal $600 per week, shows that we may be okay financially, fingers crossed and creditors willing.

Given the current uncertainties, it will be nice to continue things as normal as we can around here. Last night, Lion wasn’t much in the mood for sex but I did play with my weenie for a bit and he said it felt good. I don’t think either of us slept very well last night so I can’t speak to what our level of play will be today, but I’m sure we’ll snuggle together at the very least. This is certainly no time to push each other away. I’m sure as the days go by, we’ll be more apt to play.

The one thing we want to make sure we do is to continue with the blog. Not only is it an outlet for us, but it’s also an outlet for our readers. We may not have much to say, but it keeps us in contact with the outside world even more. I think I’ve been texting, emailing and on phone calls with friends more in the last few weeks than I have been in months. While it’s not the same as face to face contact, it does help with personal contact.

I’m hoping by the time this post publishes, we’ll be on the way back with the camper. I’m actually looking forward to being one of the few vehicles on the highway.

[Lion — We got back just before this post is scheduled to publish. The trip was uneventful and we managed to stay away from everyone else.]