Lion’s warm up for spanking only lasted one day. I took it easy on him for the first punishment after his surgeries. Last night was a different story. In hindsight, he may say it wasn’t a bad spanking. It was definitely worse than Monday night. His butt was starting to get a leathery feel to it. I counted two small blood spots and the possibility of a bruise or two.

Lion was yelping quite a bit. Of course, he does that throughout a spanking and then, later on, he’ll say I took it easy on him. I didn’t ask him how long he felt it. Instead, we snuggled for a bit and then I decided he hadn’t had any oral attention in a very long time. I was hanging half off the bed but that didn’t stop me from getting him so close to the edge I thought I went too far. And then I purposely went too far.

He was surprised I gave him an orgasm. A few days ago I said we would try an orgasm a day for him. I didn’t quite make it, but last night’s orgasm was pretty close to the last one. And, I assume, once we make it past the end of the month (it may take us that long to unpack everything we need to function) we can really try to have an orgasm a night. Until then, I guess Lion will have to take what he can get.

I’m not sure if we’ll get to snuggle tonight. I have to get my butt in gear packing again. Depending on how much I get done, we can snuggle and see if he’s ready for action; that is, assuming I’m ready for action too.