naked lion outdoors
I’ve been naked at home for nearly our entire 17 years. I’m enjoying the summer day on our deck.

17 years ago yesterday, I found Mrs. Lion listed on a dating site. Her picture was a full frame shot of her smiling face. I was immediately taken by it. I don’t remember exactly what her profile said, but I knew I wanted to meet this wonderful smile. I sent her a message and she replied. In the course of that first day, we chatted back and forth. We decided we would meet three days later.

Lest you think this is a romantic comedy meeting, it absolutely wasn’t. We both wanted to get laid; badly. It was two lions in heat looking for no more than some nice, hot sex. At the time, Mrs. Lion worked nights and was in the final days of a very bad marriage. I wasn’t married, but had a live-in submissive who was also on the way out. For all intents and purposes Mrs. Lion and I were free of relationships.

Neither of us had acted on our sexual desires. We both knew what we wanted but up until that point hadn’t connected with anyone. I don’t think either of us expected more than sex. We met at a bargain motel and were naked and humping within ten minutes after arriving. Our three-day email exchange had takien care of all the small talk. As I recall, as soon as we were naked Mrs. Lion knelt on the bed and I stood behind her and entered her. Very lionlike, right from the start.

Orgasms out of the way, we talked and agreed that we both had a good time and wanted to do it again. We continued meeting at that motel for a while. It was conveniently located about halfway between our houses. I don’t think we spent more than five minutes dressed at any meeting. We were both true to our stated purpose. We did talk, of course. We were just naked when we did. We discovered that we were very sexually compatible. We liked the way each other felt, smelled and tasted. We always left the motel drained and satisfied.

My “roommate” moved out a short time after Mrs. Lion and I began meeting. She started making the longer drive to my house. Her visits followed our usual pattern: strip, get off, talk and snuggle. Since we had considerably more time together, we talked more and more. We never got dressed. Mrs. Lion put her clothes on just before she had to leave to go to work. I remained completely naked. To this day, almost all of the time Mrs. Lion is with me, I remain naked. Nowadays, that’s a rule for me. I only get to wear clothing when we go out or have company. Mrs. Lion is generally naked too. She doesn’t have to be but it seems to be our way.

Love snuck up on us. We were very happy with our arrangement. Over a relatively short amount of time, it became harder and harder to be away from her. We wanted to be together all the time. Two naked, sex-hungry lions managed to fall in love. It didn’t take a lot more time for us to realize we needed to live together. Mrs. Lion moved in with very little fuss and ceremony. We were together at last.

Mrs. Lion had no particular desire to marry again. She divorced her husband without too much trauma. We continued living together very happily. I remained naked, as I do to this day, and our love deepened. 14 years ago, I asked Mrs. Lion to marry me. She was a little surprised. I pointed out that it was better for us in terms of being able to make emergency decisions and deal with property issues if we were married. We planned the simplest possible ceremony.

We went to a tiny town hall. In a small office with the town clerk and one of the secretaries as a witness we were joined in a five minute ceremony. We then went to a Carvel store (Carvel is an East Coast ice cream store that we love), and bought an ice cream cake. We took it home, had a piece, and put the rest in the freezer. That was it. To this day we agree it was the perfect wedding.

Our wedding anniversary is tomorrow. We will probably celebrate by going out to dinner either tomorrow night or over the weekend.

Some interesting (at least to me) statistics: During the entire 17 years we have known one another, I have been naked all but only a few days. Mrs. Lion has never seen me with pubic hair. She’s seen a small amount that grows back, but most all of it’s been gone long before I met her. She’s been spanking me, first for play, and later for punishment for more than 10 years. For six of our 14 years of marriage she’s been in full charge and I haven’t masturbated once. She’s provided 100% of my sexual stimulation. We’ve published many revealing pictures of me, including me sexually aroused. All have been used with Mrs. Lion’s blessing. She has final say on what is published here.

For the record, we don’t identify as nudists. My nudity has more to do with our power exchange than anything else. It was absolutely the first rule I was given. We had only been together a short time when Mrs. Lion made it. In fact, I believe it started within a month of our first meeting. It was almost certainly my idea and she liked it.

Most of our unusual practices originated with me. All of them are maintained and enforced by Mrs. Lion. I rarely, if ever get a chance to change my mind about something we do after we have done it for more than a few times. I’m not always happy about that, but that’s never really the point.

I’m constantly amazed that something that started as a desire for a sexual adventure turned into the love of my life. Perhaps even more amazing, we continue with the same pattern we established right from the start. Sex has been something that we love to share. It’s never been a weapon nor the glue that holds us together. As we discovered all those years ago, neither of us can imagine being away from the other. We’re mated for life.


  1. Happy anniversary! Setting aside sex play, and power exchange, and any judgement about the institution of marriage, the mutual love is really what it’s all about. Congratulations!

    1. Author

      Thanks, Mark. We both feel very lucky to have found each other.

  2. Happy anniversary! twenty years ago i met my Wife/Mistress online we have both been happy since 🙂

    1. Author

      Congratulations to you both! Online can turn out to be a great way to find lifelong love.

      1. Congratulations to you both and thank you for the extraordinary blog that you both have made. I only make the occasional comment but I always read your entries. The love you have for each other shines through.

        1. Author

          Thank you very much! We both really appreciate your loyalty as a reader and your comments.

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