It turns out Lion had a dream that someone came along and swept me off my feet and stole me away from me. That’s why he was worried we had a problem. He also worries he’s being selfish and that I’ll leave him for someone who turns me on. Poppycock! I’m not going anywhere.

Late yesterday afternoon I told him if I let him take advantage of me then it’s my own fault. If I’m supposed to be in charge then I need to learn to stand up for myself. I have all sorts of paddles and other implements to alert him to the problem. I’m sure if his butt stays sore for any length of time he’ll learn his lesson. But I have to step up if it happens.

I didn’t punish him last night for making me feel bad. I guess I should have. On the other hand, Lion should have told me about the dream and the reason for his distress rather than making me wonder if I did something to make him feel insecure. We could have dealt with the issue a lot better if I had all the facts. Sometimes, for all our talk about communication, we really fall flat on our faces.

It’s not surprising that Lion is in a great mood this morning. Actually he was last night too, even before I edged him mercilessly. He was dripping pre-cum for a while afterwards. I’ve been giving him an orgasm every four days or so for the last few months. Last night was the four night mark. I think Lion was expecting an orgasm. I considered it. But then I decided I haven’t tortured him enough yet. We’ll take it a day at a time and see how crazy I can make him.