Aside from the fact that we have a seven hour drive tomorrow and we’re already tired from having company, I’m looking forward to getting away with Lion. We’re going to a state park with a lake and it’s very peaceful there. I do anticipate some rowdiness since it’s the 4th of July but that will help drown out Lion’s already muffled yelps from the maintenance spanking.

We may not play Tuesday night but we’re there for about a week, we’ll have plenty of time for play. One thing that was apparent when I tried to tie his balls last time is that the rope I have is very long. That’s an easy fix but in the heat of the moment is not the time to have a toy malfunction.

About an hour away from where we camp there’s a western store. A few years ago we bought cowboy boots. I don’t remember actively looking for toys but we might just do that this time around. There’s a very good chance they have riding crops and other fun things. Not that we don’t already have a hearty selection of toys but it’s always fun to add to the collection. Plus it gives Lion a rush to see all the torturous items.

Today we’re off to Seattle for some sightseeing with our guests. Pike Place Market and the fish throwers are first on the list. No matter how many times I go there, I’m still amused by the show they put on. It looks like so much fun to throw a fish. Smelly and gooey, but fun.