Lion will have to provide “Proof of Life” to show he is still locked securely.

Lion is a very horny boy. My weenie was at attention almost immediately last night. I don’t know if it had anything to do with the knowledge that he’ll be locked up while I’m away. The mind is a funny thing.

Yesterday Lion tested out the plastic locks with the Jail Bird. Some of them fit through the hole where the screw normally sits. It’s possible that he can wear the Jail Bird with the ease of extricating himself without having the key. The problem with having an emergency key is that he could unlock himself at will and do whatever he wants. Of course Lion wouldn’t do that. He never did in all the time he had access to the key. But making sure he can’t is more controlling. If he knows I’ll find out he took the cage off he better have a very good reason or the least of his worries is a butt whomping.

I’ll be fairly busy when I go east. My son can’t make it to his sister’s graduation so we’re heading to his army base eight hours away for a visit. A few days after graduation my daughter and I are off to college orientation so I can see the campus and find out more about it. The next day I fly home. But through the magic of the internet and smart phones I can keep in touch with Lion. I do plan on asking him to send pictures of my weenie safely ensconced in his cage. I may make him do a picture like a ransom demand showing the headline of a newspaper with the date visible. That way I can be sure the picture is from that day and not from three days earlier.

I know I’m going overboard with this idea of a picture proving Lion is behaving but over the top works for Lion. He wouldn’t like it but I could check up on him at three in the morning and there’s nothing he could do about it. If I want to make sure he’s behaving at three in the morning then he’ll prove he’s behaving at three in the morning.

Because I said so.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    As I shared earlier. Mi Amor left for 4 days and I was left caged. She hid the keys here at home and if there was a need to uncage myself I had to call or text her for the okay and the location of the keys. Also had to send a pic of me in the panties I chose in the morning. She likes that kind of control.

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