lions eating out
We like to eat out when we travel.

My allergies have been off the hook lately. Aside from the stuffy nose, sneezing, and coughing, my libido has been in the toilet. This too will pass. Now that we are on our vacation trip, I’m hoping the mountain air will give me a reprieve. I also wonder if my body has learned that nothing is going to happen until at least four days pass.

Yesterday was the fourth day. That was also the day we drove over four hours and set up our trailer. We also had to go to a nearby town for some supplies and cell service. Today  (the fifth waiting day), is the first real opportunity for ejaculation. Of course, that depends on Mrs. Lion’s interest in getting me off. She may want to play and tease me. Or, she may not want to do anything at all.

On past trips, we had very little sexual/play action. It isn’t that Mrs. Lion has no interest. Since we need to take her truck to drag the trailer, she usually does the lion’s share of the driving. By the time we get back to the trailer in the afternoon, she needs a break. Then we usually go out again for dinner; another long round trip drive. She’s tired.

Hopefully, on this trip we will figure out a way around this. Play/sex first thing in the morning just doesn’t work for me. I’m not a morning person at all. Maybe this time we will work out a way to play. If we don’t, it’s OK. We love doing things together. Mrs. Lion brought a big bag full of toys — her Go Bag. Clearly, the intention is to use it on this trip.

I will remain hopeful. I realize that our daily prowling around the area does sap energy. It may end up that we don’t get to do much sexually on our trips. I’m hoping we can find a way to do more, but It’s fine if we don’t.