Over the last month or so, Mrs. Lion has given me an orgasm every fourth day. By my reckoning, Saturday was the third day. For some reason I was incredibly horny. Mrs. Lion noticed when she teased me. Last night, I got the orgasm that Mrs. Lion promised in her post yesterday. She told me that yesterday was my fifth day. I went back to the spreadsheet and sure enough, Saturday was day four.

I was conditioned to get an orgasm every fourth day. Even though I thought Saturday was the third day, my body knew it was the fourth. I was very surprised to learn that. If Mrs. Lion changes the timing more than one day late, I wonder how that disruption will feel. I think there is no chance my permanent orgasm interval is every four days. That doesn’t fit Mrs. Lion’s pattern. She likes to mix things up. I wonder if it will be much harder to wait when my body “expects” that orgasm on the fourth day. I know I will feel it.

I wonder if this is part of her plan. Lull me into a four-day ejaculation cycle. Then, Bam! I have to wait much longer. Yup, she would do that. But, on the other hand, making me a reliable ejaculator, always ready on the designated date has some advantages too. Saturday’s teasing session proved that.  Only Mrs. Lion knows what’s coming, or not coming next.