I spent yesterday with my son. Lion visited with us as much as he could but he was really not feeling well. We all went out to dinner and then I dropped Lion home so I could take my son back to the army base. By the time I got home I was exhausted. And a bigger cough had started.

This morning Lion was still a mess. I went to work but left at lunch time because we had a repairman coming and Lion was in no condition to deal with it. My plan was to write a post and do some laundry. My cough and a sore throat prompted a long nap beside Lion.

When i mentioned that neither of us had written posts in a few days, Lion said he couldn’t make it out of bed. So here I am. We’re still alive.

[Lion — fever is up. I’ll post when I can.]


  1. Author

    Take care of each other, hopefully it won’t take long to recover. Get well soon xxxxxx

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