We haven’t been up to much. Mrs. Lion’s back is bothering her and we have a lot more work to do around the house. I’m getting used to my collar. I’m actually able to wear it longer each day. I’m not sure how much effect my wearing it has on Mrs. Lion. For that matter, it’s unclear to me how much it is changing me.

Change tends to be slow for us. It took Mrs. Lion more than four years to fully accept that she owns my penis. Now that she has internalized this, she is much more interested in keeping me locked except when she is actively playing with it.

I can’t say that I’m completely comfortable with this. I’m not innately submissive. I’m a BDSM switch and most of my life has been spent as a top. I truly love to bottom and for many reasons, I want Mrs. Lion to have the dominant role in our marriage. Since we haven’t really talked about the idea of ownership, I wonder how Mrs. Lion views it.

I have relatively little trouble with the concept of her owning my penis as a toy. There are times I’m not happy about that idea. It isn’t because I am horny and feel frustrated I can’t take things into my own hand. It’s deeper than that.

I think it has to do with surrender. I’m just not good at it. Also, our relationship isn’t even close to the fantasy FLR’s I read about. It’s true that Mrs. Lion enforces her rules. But she doesn’t expand her authority. I’m prepared to accept it if she wants more control. I may even thrive if she does. The one area where she has made progress is in letting me know with her paddle, when I annoy her enough. At least she did it once.

On the other hand, she has been consistent in her enforcement of my rules. That’s excellent progress. I have no doubt that if I break a rule, I will feel it. She’s still pretty gentle with her spankings. I definitely get the message. I just suggest that she turns up the intensity a little. I’m curious (there’s the word that gets me in big trouble) to see how stronger spankings affect me.

Fortunately, I’ve been able to stay out of trouble. Spankings are fairly rare now. I’m happy about that. All in all, we are making progress in all areas of our FLR with discipline. We just move slowly.