feeldoe double dildo
This is the Feeldoe. We have one of these. The shorter end is for Mrs. Lion. The longer, penis-shaped end is for me. Perhaps she will give it a few tries and see if it works for her in the Rodeoh.

Wednesday night we measured and ordered a Rodeoh for Mrs. Lion. This came with a renewed commitment to peg me.  I was in charge of ordering. Mrs. Lion selected a mid-rise black and red-2.0 brief. That name seems very appropriate. I’m not entirely sure if she will use it in my mouth as well as ass, but tomorrow we’ll find out.This model has a two-inch diameter ring to hold the dildo. I ordered adapters to permit 1.5 and 1.75-inch dildos to be used. I think I need her to start with the 1.5-inch dongs first.

I’ve been doing my usual reading. Julie has several accounts of pegging her husband. From her descriptions, he seems to have same initial discomfort I do. He also appears to dislike the movement in and out of his ass like me, as well. It appears that for me, at least, pegging will be like spanking. It’s something to endure.  Over time, it may turn into something I like. That will take a while, I’m sure.

My past experience with penetration is that once the plug or dildo is fully inserted, it is only mildly unpleasant. The initial stretching is quite uncomfortable. Once I get used to a thickness, initial insertion can be rather fast. I will feel that shock when it first goes in, but I can manage it. Movement always bothers me. I think I need “practice”. After all, while Mrs. Lion is doing this for me, it is expected to hurt and be uncomfortable. Just like spanking, I see it as an important activity. I never expected to like it. Penetrating my ass and my mouth are very dominant acts, just like spanking.

We have a double dong too. There is a shorter, thinner end that goes into Mrs Lion. The much wider and longer end is for me. It can be used in her new Rodeoh, I think. It’s designed to provide stimulation to her vagina and clitoris as her movement fucking me is transmitted to her side. I’ve talked to many women over the years who love it. It’s long enough on my end to allow her a lot of range of motion. She needs that to find the magic movement that could get her off.

This device was designed by women who wanted both partners to enjoy the ride. Two women can ride this vaginally. The ripples on the bottom of the long end are designed to hit the fuckee’s clitoris. When used on a male, they provide extra stimulation as they move in and out of the anus. Lucky me.

The bottom line (See what I did?) is that Mrs. Lion has expressed a continuing interest in anal activities. I’m curious too. I think we both recognize that frequent anal visits are required to stretch me and also increase comfort accepting her dildos. It’s also an interesting expression of her power. She knows that I don’t like being fucked anally. She has expressed on more than one occasion that she wants to peg me.

Like most things we do, unless we plan a regular schedule, chances are we will just do other things instead. I suggest we do pegging on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Saturday’s. If we can stick to that schedule for a while, I think we will build up to something that we will just “do” in the future. What do you think 2.0?


  1. Author

    Love this idea. My wife and I are exploring things based on your blog. Been married 20 years (or more) and this has added so much more to our marriage. THANK YOU!
    Let us know how the peg-o-ramma goes. The story will be yummy…

    1. Author

      Thanks for your comment. Well, I wouldn’t call it a peg-o-rama. Tonight we start, Mrs. Lion says. We get the Rodeoh tomorrow. I’m not sure what she has up her sleeve (and my ass).

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