Today is our twelfth anniversary. In some respects it seems like we’ve been together for a very short time. In other respects it seems like we’ve been together forever. Whatever the case, we’re glad we’re together.

That may sound sappy or sugary-sweet, but I think that’s why we’ve gotten as far as we have with male chastity and female led relationship. If I didn’t love Lion as much as I do, I couldn’t “put up” with things he’s asked me to do. So far most of the things we do don’t turn me on like they turn Lion on. I do them because they make Lion happy.

Some people say, “I’d do anything for you.” I say that to Lion. Of course I have limits on the “anything” I’ll do and he’s hit a few of them. Some of them are soft limits. Sometimes I just have to get my head wrapped around the concept. Some of them are hard limits. I doubt I’ll ever get my head wrapped around those.

Luckily for Lion, I don’t have many of either limit. We’ve tried a lot of things. Some have worked. Others have not. Sometimes they don’t work as intended. We have to tweak things to make them work for us. And that’s important. What works for one couple won’t necessarily work for others. It’s all part of making male chastity and female led marriage your own.

We hope that by chronicling our journey here we help you in your own journey. We learn from you when you post comments. We try some of your suggestions and let you know how we’re doing with it. We love your encouragement too.

Tonight we’re going out to dinner to celebrate being married for twelve years and being together for fifteen years. It’s a short long time and we’re looking forward to many more years together. And many more adventures.


  1. Author

    Congratulations on your anniversary. My wife and I are coming up on our 30th and I agree that it can seem to both be fast and to have been forever at the same time.

    I have been reading for a few weeks now, starting at the beginning and am up to October 2015. Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us..

    1. Author

      Thank you! I’m delighted you are enjoying our writing.

  2. Author

    Happy Anniversary!
    Congratulations on having a wonderful relationship that continues to grow and improve.
    We have been married 31 years, but I feel like the last 3 have been just getting better.
    This is due to my discovering female led marriage and learning to serve my wife while giving her full control of my sexuality. I love her more all the time and we communicate better than ever!

    1. Author

      Thanks for the good wishes. I’m very glad your marriage has benefited from FLR.

  3. Author

    Congratulations. Enjoy the evening. We have learned a lot from you.

  4. Author

    Congratulations! My wife and I married young.We been together ten years.Five years in to our marriage our sex lives became predicable.As a couple we talked it threw.Bottom line she needed to feel what I felt being a top and in charge.Together we decided it would be best that she would call the shots.Five years later our roles continue to change.We are both more in love and are willing to share our love in our bed.

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