Here I am after my July 4th spanking. I guess I am red, black and blue. (Click image to see full-size)

Mrs. Lion reads all my posts, generally before I post them. She supplies proofreading support that I truly appreciate. Anyway, after reading my rather depressed post about what I learned on my vacation, she told me she still had interest. She agreed that play and discipline took a backseat to whatever else we were doing. She expressed no opinion about why this happened, but resolved to fix things.

So she did. That very afternoon, when we got back from our adventures, I was told to be naked with my training collar on. She said she was going to spank me. We had been discussing spanking techniques for the last few weeks. Initially, my suggestion was that a disciplinary spanking started with very hard swats and continued that way. For over a year that’s the technique Mrs. Lion has been using. She’s never been able to give me more than eight or ten swats before it is too much for me.

Julie of “Strict Julie Spanks” left a comment here that started me thinking. I wrote a post about it. Julie wrote that when she spanks her husband, he can say “Yellow” which means the swats are too hard to take. He can also say “Red” which stops everything, presumably for a true emergency. Mrs. Lion and I discussed that other spankers report giving 200-300 swats or more in a spanking. We have almost never hit ten. I suggested that, like Julie, perhaps the swats need to build up over time so that I get used to being hit.

That sounded to us like a play spanking. That’s when the intensity is controlled to allow the bottom’s endorphins to keep up with the stimulation. That didn’t sound like punishment to either of us. But then, the six or eight swats I generally get didn’t seem all that serious either. Mrs. Lion decided to try the slower buildup method. She did the other night. She slowly built in intensity. When it got to be too much for me, she backed off, way off. Then she quickly got back to the real swats. The spanking lasted well over 200 swats (no, neither of us were counting, but I’m sure we got past 200). When it was over, my butt was well bruised with white spots in other places. It burned and I could feel it all night, even when in a comfy chair.

I don’t get all that red (see image above, right), even after a spanking like that. I also “heal” remarkably fast with almost no trace of the spanking in the morning. This has always been true of me. Oh well, it gives Mrs. Lion a fresh canvas every day. Even though most of the marks faded, it still hurts to sit today. Yes, it was an effective spanking.

The big question is how we distinguish between a “play” spanking and a disciplinary one? The answer is actually very simple: I know we are playing in one case and I am being punished in the other. The disciplinary spanking takes place when and where Mrs. Lion wants. While I can ask her to back off, I can’t stop her. As she gets more experienced at this technique, like Julie, she will “sneak” past my limit and hit me with even harder swats. Over time, she will also learn how far she wants to go. I am deceptive in that my butt looks as though I have been brutally beaten, but turns out to be mark-free the next morning. That’s not to say it doesn’t hurt to sit.

I’m writing this in the late afternoon. We drove home today from our vacation trip. I interrupted Mrs. Lion more than once. That means once she has recovered from driving I can look forward to the second of this new sort of spanking. I am very sure it will last longer and be more intense.