Lion has a nerve block for his shoulder. It continuously delivers pain meds, but he also has a “panic button” he can push for extra help. In addition, he has oral pain meds. He was taking only one pill at a time throughout yesterday and last night.

This morning, he took two pills. Woohoo! He was floating. Two pills lasted a lot longer than one pill. I’m not sure it’s supposed to work that way. Lion just wanted to see how two worked versus one. Eventually the nerve block will end and he’ll be on his own with just the pills.

The best news about two pills is that they made Lion sleepier. By bedtime last night, I was way overtired. One pill allowed him to sleep for a few hours at a time. Ergo, I was able to sleep for a few hours at a time. We’re still pretty wiped out. Lion more so than me, of course. He’s sleeping between trips to the bathroom.

One nice thing about helping Lion is that I get to hang onto him while he’s walking unsteadily. This translates to some impromptu butt rubs and kisse on his back and shoulder. Of course, we hold hands when we’re in bed, but I’m taking any opportunity to stay close.

I don’t think we’ll really know how well Lion will do with the pain until the nerve block wears off. That may not be till tomorrow or Sunday. For now, it’s good that he’s sleeping. That’s the best medicine. Monday’s first physical therapy appointment will come soon enough and I’m sure there will be some pain associated with it. He needs to stockpile some healing between now and then.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    Just know that there are those out here that are hoping for a speedy recovery for his comfort and your sanity. We’re all better off when Lion is locked.

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