Lion has it in his head that I like it more when he’s not horny. I’m not sure where he got that idea, since I’m the one who’s been telling him he’s not broken. And I’ve been encouraging by unlocking him so I can hold my weenie even if he doesn’t want to get hard. Maybe he’s thinking if he really is broken, it will be okay because I don’t mind when he’s not horny.

It’s true that I told him it wouldn’t be the end of the world if he was permanently broken. It’s not like our marriage was built only on sex. There have been times in the past that he’s told me he’d be happy even if we stopped doing any BDSM. I didn’t think it was true, and sure enough, within a short time he wanted to start again. I know he’d miss sex. But if he isn’t horny anymore, maybe he wouldn’t. I’m not horny anymore and I don’t miss it. I’m very happy snuggling and holding hands. But that doesn’t mean I like when he’s not horny.

How am I supposed to give him orgasms if he’s not horny? I love his orgasms. As you know, not giving him an orgasm is often a struggle for me. Teasing and denial is almost as bad for me as it is for Lion. I know, I know. It’s not as bad. I said almost. I’m the reason his orgasm count was so high last year. I’m the one who caved in and let him come on a non-orgasm day. I’m the one who has arguments in my head as I’m teasing him. He has to wait another day. No, he doesn’t. Yes, he does. He’s waited four days already. We were going for seven. Too late.

I like when Lion is horny. I love making his situation worse. I love seeing my weenie standing tall and proud. Last night, Lion wasn’t horny. According to his email today, he’s back to himself again. I hope that means he’s horny again.


  1. Author

    First I have to say I am new at this I have read a good part of your blog and find it very informative and a turn on at the same time. The last part of your post is about loving it when he is horny standing proud and playing with it sounds just like my wife. I am not yet confined to a cage (which is in the mail somewhere) we all lose touch with what’s real and are always looking for the greener or kinky side of life I’m going through the same feeling it’s like being on a roller costed ride and I can’t get off I’m hoping we both can get the ride to stop in the right place

  2. Author

    Mr lion is lucky to have a woman like you. Wish my wife had the same interest. She will go for a while but it doesn’tseem to be her cup of tea…

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