Lioness 2.0 is Mrs. Lion’s description of the more consistent, strict keyholder and disciplinary wife she aspired to become. As she’s described it, 2.0 emerges now and then to deal with me. Each time she’s shown up I’ve felt the effects in terms of more painful spankings and longer waits.

Of course, the manifestations of 2.0’s presence through more intense experiences for me, are only the surface trappings of the new lioness. 2.0 is much more complex. The key difference between lioness 1.0 and 2.0 is the acceptance of her role in our power exchange. When 2.0 shows up, I’m amazed at how well she reads me and provides exactly what I need (not necessarily what I want).

For example, last Monday Mrs. Lion spanked me for sexually touching myself. This is a very serious offense in our world. Her spanking hurt, but it wasn’t particularly memorable. It was fairly easy for me to take and I wasn’t sore afterward. She asked me for a review and that’s what I told her. Stupid Lion. The next punishment day was Thursday. She advised me that I had forgotten to thank her for spanking me on Monday. She got her large, wooden spoon and went to work.

This time, she got some serious yelps from me. When I started squirming away, she stopped to allow me to settle back. This went on for a while; not a very long while, but longer than Monday. Eventually she said she was done. I lay on my side for some time while watching TV. This was clearly a 2.0 spanking. I sent her an email on Friday and told her that the Thursday spanking hurt a lot more, but still didn’t feel painful enough to make me stay on my best behavior.

It wasn’t my intention to goad her into making things hurt more. Well, maybe it was. I never thought of spanking as something designed to cause me maximum pain. In the BDSM world, spanking is intended to move the spankee into a nice, endorphin high or simulate a punishment scenario. As such, the bottom determines the limit.

This isn’t true if spanking is punishment. The objective is to make the consequence of bad behavior sufficiently painful to deter future infractions. The objective isn’t abuse, but it is pain. In my case, a spanking has to be severe enough to keep me on my best behavior to avoid another. That’s it. How much pain I need t put me in the right frame of mind has yet to be determined. Also, the amount of pain should be proportionate to the offense.

Believe it or not, I never thought about punishment this way. Neither of us has much experience punishing anyone, including our kids. Live and learn. Anyway, 2.0 is cranking up the sensation. I hope she is going to continue until she gets through to me in the same way the training collar does. In a real sense, how painful a punishment is depends on how it modifies my behavior. Fair enough. It’s what we signed up to do.

Following the spanking, Mrs. Lion disappeared from the bedroom She returned about ten minutes later holding a carved piece of ginger root. She was going to fig me. I got on my knees and she worked the root into my ass. The ginger oil creates a strong sensation of heat. This piece of ginger really burned! Usually, for me at least, the sensation is very hot, but not nearly the level of the infamous Icy Hot. This was right up there. Eventually, she removed it. My anus continued to burn for some time. This was the fun kind of sensation. 2.0 decided to give me a surprise. How cool is that!

Ok, I know what you’re thinking. That crazy lion is topping from the bottom again. He’s trying to make his life more difficult. No, I’m not topping from the bottom. I’m doing what a good bottom should always do. I’m giving my top feedback so that she can make whatever adjustments she wishes based on my reactions. It may sound weird that I should provide feedback about punishment. I’m not a little cub. I’m grown up. I have the capacity to help Mrs. Lion become more effective. That means that I am encouraging her to do things I will truly regret suggesting. But this was all my idea. So I owe her the information she needs to make my wish come true.

This is not the same as me being in control in any way. If I stay silent, Mrs. Lion will need to deduce what works in terms of discipline for me. She may eventually reach the correct intensity, but getting there could cause her anxiety and worry. She doesn’t want to hurt me. She does want to be an effective disciplining wife. To avoid causing her negative feelings, I have to do two things: First, I need to provide honest feedback about how I feel she is doing. Second, I must let her know how grateful I am that she is doing this for me.

That’s my job. She doesn’t have to act on my feedback. If I tell her that punishment is too intense and she doesn’t see behavioral changes in me, she can just say “Too bad.” and dial up the pain until I make the desired change. That’s what I ultimately want. In order to get there, I have to help 2.0 get grounded in what works for me.