Today is the American Thanksgiving. It’s a day when we reflect on all the good things we enjoy. I know that I am one of the luckiest critters in the world. I live with my best friend and love of my life, Mrs. Lion. She always teases that I’m talking about the dog. No, Mrs. Lion, I’m not.

I’m very thankful that Mrs. Lion embraces my weird ideas and seriously puts them into practice. At my request, she’s locked me into a chastity device. She’s taken charge of our relationship and disciplines me as required. None of those things would have occurred to her without my suggestions. I know how rare it is to find someone willing to indulge such strange needs. She’s done all this with good spirit and sincerity. Those strange things I suggested are now integral parts of our lives.

Best of all, she is willing to spend her life with me. That is what I am most thankful for. She is the center of my universe. I am the happiest lion in the world.

I am also very thankful for you and  your patience with us. Thanks to you, we are the most popular chastity blog in the world. Google ranks us as the first result on many related searches. In a few weeks we will have written over 2,000 posts. We get over 2 million page views a year. Since we are completely non commercial, all this volume does is make managing the site more expensive. Fortunately, we are hosted by a non-profit organization that doesn’t charge us for bandwidth. I’m really thankful for that.

Both Mrs. Lion and I hope you also have a long list of thanks to give. Have a great Thanksgiving!


  1. Author

    I am thankful I found your site. I have learned a lot from you. My own experience is different but my Queen and I are totally different people with different likes strengths and wants. It works for us just as what you have works for you!

  2. Author

    Happy Thanksgiving! And really thankful that both you and Mrs. Lion post here. Getting both sides in one blog is a rare thing.

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