view from table
This is the view from our table.

We are on our way back home today. Last night we had a celebratory dinner at a very good restaurant that looks out over the Pacific Ocean. Our table was directly in front of a window. Just as we were finishing our entree a pod of humpback whales spouted very close to shore. What an amazing way to end our last day here. I had a delicious Dungenous crab. It was a full two pounds.

I recently wrote about the fact that if I wait over a couple of weeks for an orgasm, even if I am edged daily, my interest in coming declines.

Apparently a lot of guys stay horny even if they have to wait a long time for release. Lucky guys, I should have said. Mrs. Lion has adjusted my schedule to assure that my interest and frustration stay very high. I’m lucky that she does that. Also, she likes making me come, so she has an incentive to keep my waits relatively short.

We both believe that enforced chastity isn’t about how long you can frustrate the caged male. For us, at least, it’s about sexual control. When Mrs. Lion announced that I could decide when I wanted to orgasm between July 15 and 31, she was surprised I wasn’t delighted. After I explained that I don’t want that power, she revised her gift. Now she decides when I will come during that time.

So what’s different from our normal lives? She always decides when I get to come. She told me that during the “gift” time period, she might give me more orgasms. She also said that she might not. OK, I’m not sure there is any difference. Perhaps she’ll explain the change.