Yesterday was an amazing day for me. First thing in the morning I got a call from the hiring manager at the company I have been hoping would hire me. He let me know I was getting an offer. A few minutes after we hung up, the recruiter called and said an offer letter would be coming. In addition ran through the benefits, advice about a background check, etc. Then the offer email arrived. I start work on August 1!

Immediately after the phone call from the recruiter, Mrs. Lion and I left on our weekend trip. Needless to say, I was floating on air. It was finally definite; I have a new job! I wonder if Mrs. Lion had some instinctive knowledge of this timing. She scheduled my “get all the orgasms you want” to run from yesterday to the end of the month. It exactly fits the time I will be waiting until I start the new job.

I’m writing this after dinner on Friday night. I have no idea if Mrs. Lion will start things off with an orgasm. After I expressed hesitation on taking her up on the sexual buffet, she announced that she will be deciding when I come during this time. Cool! She may wear me out.

The new job will involve a certain amount of travel. I suppose that means I will be wild more of the time. I doubt she will want to work out some plan to get me locked up after I reach my destination. We’re past that sort of stuff.

Now there are no excuses for avoiding play. The source of my worry is gone. Mrs. Lion is very relieved too. Our financial stability is assured at least as long as I have this job.

On Thursday night (our regular punishment day), Mrs. Lion gave me a bunch of maintenance swats in lieu of all the spilling of food I have been doing. It stung for some time. Yup, things are back to normal in the lions’ den.

I want to thank you for your patience and support. I know that my posts were not necessarily on the subject of enforced chastity and FLR. However, I am glad you shared more of our lives with us. I’m even happier I can share the joy we are feeling now!


  1. Author

    Congrats buddy!

  2. Author

    Congrats on the new gig. It certainly can relax the mind to have a good job in your life.

  3. Author

    I am very happy for you that a job finally came due. I haven’t moved from one job to another without some job already in place. The last time that I was let go was 40 years ago. I was in the process of buying a small manufacturing company, and so everything worked out great!

  4. Author

    Congratulations!! An end to stress and a new beginning! Enjoy your last weeks of holiday!

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