Saturday was uneventful. We went shopping for food. We napped. As of 8pm Saturday night I’m still wild (no chastity device). Not exciting at all around here. Even the weather is cloudy and cold. One thing will probably change before long, I expect that Mrs. Lion will have me locked back up soon.

In her post yesterday, she mentioned that she may want to play with me in the sling. As of now, that idea isn’t very appealing to me. I just don’t feel very interested in BDSM. I realize that this doesn’t make for a very interesting post, but it is my status as of Saturday night. All this could change today. Maybe I just need more rest. I probably need to resolve the job situation before my head gets back into the game. Today is supposed to be sunny. If it is, we have some work to do on the lawn mower. Don’t we have exciting lives?

It isn’t that I don’t want sex. If I am turned on for a while, my interest in anal penetration and other uncomfortable play will probably return. No promises, but it’s possible. My feelings won’t be hurt if we don’t go there. I do hope that there will be some edging though. It might wake me from my slump. I don’t know. Stay tuned.