We were both tired yesterday. Lion had been awake a lot on Thursday night. I just didn’t sleep well. By Friday night we were both too tired to do anything. I unlocked Lion even though we weren’t going to play. I left him wild all night. I doubt that had anything to do with his restful night, but we both feel a lot better than we did yesterday.

Lion’s assignment the other day was to check out the local community center. We’ve lived here for a long time and neither one of us has set foot in the place. I knew from the website that it had certain amenities, but, as you know, the internet can be deceiving. Lion’s old fart pass gets him access to exercise equipment, the gym, an indoor walking track, and the pool. My intent was to get Lion out of the house so he would meet people. I should have known he’d suggest we can go together. Foiled by my own evil plan.

The pool does pose an interesting problem for Lion. The cage will show. If he really does want to use the pool and I’m working, he’ll need permission to use his emergency key. Do I grant him access to that key on a day by day basis? If he emails that he’d like to go to the pool and I’m not able to answer right away, does he miss out on a day of swimming? Should there be an “exercise” clause? These are not insurmountable issues and I’m sure we’ll work them out. I’m just glad the opportunity exists for him to use the facilities, even if he does want to drag me along too.

I think Lion is about due (he’ll probably say overdue) for a stint in the sling. He hasn’t had anything up his ass in weeks. And a nice spanking might help his mood. He keeps reminiscing about when we first met. Maybe that trip down memory lane will yield a good old fashioned play session – after I learned how to spank, of course.