Lion did very well at Jeopardy last night. He missed only two questions. And he didn’t skip many. He thinks the questions are easier this week because it’s a celebrity week. If that’s true it certainly isn’t helping some of the celebrities. Either that or they aren’t well-versed on very many topics. At any rate, Lion even got Final Jeopardy correct. It was a good night to be in the shock collar.

Before we started Jeopardy, Lion said he was tired and asked if I was too. I’m always tired, but I was more awake than other nights. I thought that meant he didn’t want to play. Nope. He was up for playing. I was doing so well and then I gave him a ruined orgasm. I just get carried away. I like teasing him. He makes such good faces and noises that I go too far. I had even taken a peek at his scheduled date to see how close we were to it. Not close at all. I know that doesn’t matter. I can sneak an orgasm in any time I want. And if I had realized it was a ruined orgasm I might have continued on to a full one. But I thought I stopped in time. I knew it was close but I thought we were good. Nope. Damn.

Lion is no longer wild. When we first started playing last night he mentioned that I had easy access without the cage. That’s why I like when he’s wild on our trips. He can pee more easily and I have better access to Mr. Weenie. When we’re sitting in our chairs watching TV I can just reach over and touch him. I can also sneak a squeeze as Lion walks by. If we’re on vacation, why shouldn’t Mr. Weenie be on vacation? It’s only fair. But right now, Mr. Weenie is all safe and secure again. And, thanks to the damned ruined orgasm, Lion isn’t as horny as he should be at this point in his wait. Oh well. That just means I have to start over making him horny again. I can do that!