Lion didn’t have any items on his punishment list for last night. Until he did. I allowed him to eat first at dinner. We don’t normally eat dessert until later. This is where he had a problem. Dessert counts. He ate first. I didn’t say anything. I was waiting to see if he noticed. He didn’t. He did, however, notice when I picked up the paddle.

I didn’t give him that many swats. Lion would probably disagree. More than one is “many”. I don’t even think he felt the swats for very long. So what was the point? He needs to realize eating is eating. If he’s eating something and I am not he usually asks if he can start. For example, at a restaurant if he orders soup he will wait until I tell him he can eat or he’ll ask if he can start. We’re both a little more lax about dessert. Since I’m still in training (and probably will be forever), I need to notice everything. I think I surprised him that I noticed last night.

I keep telling him he has to watch out for me. I may appear to be distracted, but then I pounce. You just never know when I’m going to wake up and pay attention. I guess I keep both of us on our toes. Poor Lion. I lull him into believing he can get away with things and then I realize I’ve been inattentive. I start noticing things out of the blue and Lion is caught off guard. I need to do better. It’s clear I still have a lot of work ahead of me. Consistency was never my forte.

Last night was the day after an orgasm so we didn’t play. We just watched TV and held hands. Some people might think that’s boring, but I love quiet time with Lion. I bet he wishes the quiet time wasn’t interrupted with punishment swats though. Tonight will be a little more exciting for him. What kind of excitement? I don’t know. Maybe something Lion loves to hate. Maybe something he just hates. 2.0 will come up with something.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    May I ask what prompted the the changes in January 2014? Also, how did you two start with chastity/confinement? I have recently received a Pet who is 18 yrs my Junior. I am having a great time with him and he has asked about a chastity device. I’m not sure he realizes what he’s asking of me. I’d also lock him up for years!

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