I haven’t been doing very well catching Lion not wearing his collar. My first clue is when he says, “Uh oh.” That’s, of course, when he realizes it too. I also haven’t been doing very well at making new rules. We decided the other day that I should make some new ones so I can get in the habit of punishing him closer to the time of the infraction. Even last night, when he forgot his collar, it was an hour or so before I gave him his swats. I guess I’m just not in the drop everything mode yet.

Making new rules is difficult for me. Enforcing them isn’t much easier. Lion interrupts me all the time and I let him get away with it unless it continues or I have a short temper at that particular moment in time. The problem is, I think, I forget to put the 2.0 hat on as often as Lion would like. Sometimes it takes a lot to get her involved. Left to my own devices I’d just be me, especially when I’ve got other things on my mind.

So here’s my tax day resolution (too late for New Year’s but just in time for the mean old IRS so it fits – sort of): I will make two new rules by tax day and I will strive to enforce them. And I will also wear my 2.0 hat more often so I can enforce existing rules. In what area these rules will be is a mystery to me right now. They could be pet peeves. They could be new attire rules for Lion. They could be something as simple as taking out the trash at a certain time. I’ll get the wheels turning and see what I come up with.

On the plus side, Lion’s anal training is going well. I’ve decided we need to use dildos instead of butt plugs since they will stretch him better. Once he’s gotten used to the stretching, we can try the 2.0 Njoy. The dildos will also get him ready for the fucking machine. The motion is the toughest part of that. He can handle the invasion. He just doesn’t like the motion. Too bad. So sad. It’s happening eventually.

Lion is now three days past his scheduled date. I wonder when 2.0 will let him come? I bet she has a plan for him. Yup. Positive.