Lion is very turned on by 2.0. He’s hornier than I ever remember him being. In our email correspondence during the work week, he sometimes tells me that what I just said (typed) made Mr. Weenie stir in the cage. On one hand it’s weird that he’s getting turned on by this “new” person. On the other hand, 2.0 is giving him what he wants. Or what he doesn’t want, depending on your perspective. She doesn’t treat him like the stereotypical kiss-my-boots dominatrix of internet legend, but she’s not interested in hearing that a punishment spanking hurts. She knows that he can take a little more after he cries uncle. And maybe a little more after that.

2.0 started out thinking that once Lion started getting what he wanted he’d realize he didn’t really want that at all. Wrong! He wants that and more. This is evidenced by the grill marks on the head of his penis. 2.0 gets him hard just by thinking about her, it seems. It’s certainly not because the cage doesn’t fit. It’s all her. The thought of her sternness and ignoring his pleas that she stop doing whatever it is that she’s doing to him has really gotten his attention. It’s almost like he’s cheating on me, with me.

It’s a whole different mindset for me. 1.0 is still in there. She doesn’t care where we eat or what we eat. She thinks it’s silly that he gives me these sideways looks when we’re watching TV. When I catch him and ask him what he’s doing, he says he loves me. (I think he’s checking to see if 2.0 is coming out to play anytime soon, but that’s just speculation on my part.) Sometimes I just shake my head at him. Other times 2.0 does come out to play.

When I drag out the Lion-proof safe that holds the key, Lion knows there will be fun coming his way. (The dog knows to grab her bone and start chewing. We think it’s a jealousy thing.) Fun is, of course, relative. Velcro isn’t fun. Clothespins aren’t necessarily fun. Menthol isn’t fun. But 2.0 doesn’t care if those things are really fun. Somewhere back in the annals of time, Lion mentioned a form of play and 2.0 is trying her best to make those things happen for him.

Last night, Lion said Velcro is my contribution to S&M. More precisely, Velcro wrapped around a penis. I said I think I was the one who came up with the evil little doll clothespins as well. Others have used Velcro for bondage in wrist and ankle restraints, but as far as I know, no one ever wrapped a weenie in a Velcro blanket. And clothespins have been around for a very long time as a way to pinch nipples and various assorted other parts of anatomy, but the tiny, little, evil ones are mine. And that was even before 1.0 came along. I wonder what 2.0 will invent. Look out, my pet!

2.0 has been on a mission to make Lion hornier and hornier. So far it’s been working. As of today she’ll make him wait beyond his scheduled orgasm date. How long? She’s not telling. She is, after all, a bitch.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    You are simply fabulous!! Lion is lucky…ouch.. lol

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